Should You Opt Out Your WiFi Router From Google Location Services?
Whether you do or do not use geolocation services at home, it is likely that the publicly broadcast data from your wireless router is already stored in their databases.
Whether you do or do not use geolocation services at home, it is likely that the publicly broadcast data from your wireless router is already stored in their databases.
A new vulnerability has been found in UPnP – the set of network protocols that allows routers, PCs and other devices to easily discover each other on the network. Check if your router is vulnerable to attack.
A major security flaw has been found in the widespread Wi-Fi Protected Setup feature used in modern routers.
Wireless security is more important than ever – but what if you have forgotten your wireless password? You can find it again.
It is important to secure your wireless network to stop other people accessing it. There are 5 levels of security available in consumer wireless routers.
A bug in some wireless routers may allow wireless access only to Google – no other websites work.
Follow these steps to set up an ADSL (broadband via your phone line) wireless router securely.
7 steps to set up a Cable wireless router and configure wireless security – or setup a standard Cable router without WiFi
How to access your router setup page – to change router settings (e.g. WiFi password) you need to access your router configuration page. We show you how
Find the IP address of a router with our easy illustrated guide. You can then login to the router setup page and change or configure router settings.