Original developers PopCap released the free Bejeweled Classic gem-swapping game especially for Google Chrome in 2011.
Although it is no longer available in the Chrome Web Store, you can still play the game online in Chrome, on Chromebooks or on Android and iOS phones or tablets. Read on to find out how.
Free Bejeweled Classic for Chrome
Pining for the days when computer games didn’t require buying a new $300 graphics card every 6 months? When games were addictive and more about skill than just shooting up stuff (even in 3D)?
Bejeweled may bring back some great memories! Originally called Diamond Mine, it was created in 2001 by PopCap and, together with subsequent follow ups, has sold up to 100 million copies over the years.
If you have never played Bejeweled before you’re in for a treat – the objective of this game is to swap one gem with an adjacent gem to form a horizontal or vertical chain of three or more gems. Think of Tetris, but better…
The free online version of Bejeweled for Chrome can be played on a Windows computer or on a Chromebook. It features two modes – Classic (the original un-timed game) and Speed (against the clock, try to collect enough gems in a set time).
Unlike previous versions which used Adobe’s increasingly outdated Flash Player, the graphics for Chrome are provided by HTML5.
The game showcases the awesome visuals available in HTML5 (the new web standard for browser based games) and they are really good, considering that you are playing the entire game in just a web browser.
Where To Play It Online
Bejeweled Classic used to be available free on the Chrome Web Store but was removed a couple of years ago. However you can still play the game online in Chrome by using the archived page provided by the good folks at the WayBack Machine:
- Visit the archived entry page here.
- Click on ‘Play Bejeweled without installing‘ (ignore the link above it to install the App, that doesn’t exist any more)
- Wait for the game to load up – you can choose to play in SD on older computers/low powered netbooks or in HD (the default) on more powerful/newer PCs.
- Choose to play the Classic or Speed version.
Click the Menu option to change Sound and Music settings or more help.

Tip: if Bejeweled has brought back happy memories, why not see our article on how to play the free classic 3D Pinball Space Cadet game in Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, not just XP.
Play Bejeweled on Mobiles And Tablets
If you have an iPad or iPhone, free Bejeweled Classic is available on the App store here or a full HD version for iPad only here.
For Android devices, visit the Google Play store here for a free (ad-supported) version by Electronic Arts (who bought PopCap and the rights to Bejeweled in 2011).