Free Kindle Ebooks – Updated Hourly

One feature in the success of the Kindle, and e-readers generally, is no doubt that there are so many ebooks available for free. If you don’t have to pay then you are more likely to give a book a chance – even if it’s not what you would normally consider buying.

This may result in a few wasted minutes (and a quick deletion) but it could also introduce you to a new genre or author that more than makes up for the disappointing ones.

The Kindle website doesn’t make it very easy to search for and apply filters to free ebooks – it’s almost as if they wanted you to pay ;-) If you’re keen to find new free Kindle ebooks, Kindle Users Forum can help.

Kindle Users Forum is a website that provides an hourly updated and automated list of free retail Kindle books. The website is available for US users here (subtitled DailyFreeBooks) and for UK users here.

  • Details Provided: Title, Author, Genre, Front cover, Description, Date became free, Number of pages
  • Links: Clicking a book’s Cover or Title takes you to its Kindle edition page where you can ‘Buy’ and download it
  • Subscribe: ‘Sign Me Up’ button to subscribe and get a daily email – lists all the new free titles added that day, includes Kindle’s daily book deal (around 70% off the price of a selected ebook)
  • Price: Free ebooks but typically some may only be free for a short time – double check the price before you place an order
  • Review ratings: Crucially, displays review ‘star’ ratings within the listing – you can sort by ratings too

Note: Erotica titles are excluded from the results (unless you opt in!) as they may have graphic adult titles and/or front covers – more Suitable For Work than some sites which include them by default.


Kindle Users Forum includes the ability to click the front cover of a book (or title) to link through to its page and also has an excellent search facility too (e.g. to narrow your choice by genre or rating). The default exclusion of Erotica makes it a better site for work or family environments.

It offers hundreds of links to free Kindle ebooks (updated hourly) and includes reviews in the listings – these can be a great guide to a book’s quality but they may be thin on the ground for the newest releases.

If the author has written other books, checking out the reviews on those should help decide if a book is worth ordering.